Redesign of Ritter Sport's "Schokowürfel"

Packaging Design
Project Overview
For this project, we collaborated with Ritter Sport to give their "Schokowürfel" a new look. Analysing the packaging and comparing it to competitors, it became clear to us that the packaging needed to become striking and expressive. After we defined our design goals, we also looked for ways to market the new packaging.
My Contributions
Working in a team of two, my team partner and I were both equally responsible for the whole design process.
Project description
Hochschule der Medien, Stuttgart
Oct 2020 - Feb 2021
Analyzing the Schokowürfel's design, we found it to be a quite inconspicuous cube sitting in store shelves. Additionally, we considered it hard to figure out for which occasion it should be bought: As a birthday present, for kids or rather a little indulgence granted to yourself? The cube shape is what we found the most striking as we decided that this property of the Schokowürfel should be kept.

Investigating target groups and use cases, we agreed to keep the number of versions of the Schokowürfel low. Furthermore, we decided to design each of them as gifts for a broad target group and multiple possible occasions. Regarding the product's sustainability, we wanted to design the cubes so that after consumption of the sweets customers can reuse them for a new purpose. Plus, the packaging should consist as much as possible of recycled materials.

What we came up with were four versions of the Schokowürfel that conveyed different emotions. We designed two of them to convey emotions related to joy and luck. One is intended as a present for any kind of help received, while gifting someone the "Erdbeerkuss" expresses love and affection. The trunk of the cube consists of recycled cardboard while the colours of the lid are bright and striking. Combined with its shape and generally simplistic design, the cube is highly recognizable and also reusable as a home accessoire.